Last sizes available: don't miss your chance!

Dear HAIIRO customers, we would like to inform you that our stock of t-shirts is almost depleted. We have already sold most of our sizes and only a few remain before our stock runs out. But don't worry, we plan to restock them by summer!

Here are the latest available sizes for our different models:

  • Black t-shirts: S (and don't forget to use the code "KURO" when placing your order to get a 10% discount on black t-shirts!)
  • White t-shirts: XXS, M, XXL
  • Colored t-shirts (Green, Brown, Yellow, Pink): still available from XS to XL
  • Sweatshirt and jogging pants: still available in S, M and L

We are delighted to see that our t-shirts have become so popular among our customers. However, this also means that our stocks are depleting faster than expected. If you have missed your chance to buy your favorite t-shirt, don't hesitate to order before it's too late!

Also, don't forget to check out our low-priced clearance products sold on our LeBonCoin page;)

We thank you for your support and loyalty to our brand. We work hard to offer you new quality and environmentally friendly products. Stay tuned for more exciting news about HAIIRO!

Thank you for choosing HAIIRO!

The HAIIRO Team,
See the life in Black and White 🤍

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